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时间:2022-10-04 12:00:55 作者:星火作文 字数:3219字


Book order


书令───Book order


To complete the book order, you need to send an E-mail confirmation as part of the order process.───要完成图书的订单,您需要将电子邮件形式的确认函作为订单处理的一部分发送。

If checked exceptions caused an automatic rollback, the entire book order would be rolled back just because the E-mail server was down.───如果受控异常引起自动回滚,整个图书订单就会由于电子邮件服务器的关闭全部回滚。

of the public can order a book in our library over the Internet," Ge Jianxiong, the library director in Fudan University said.───复旦大学图书馆馆长葛剑雄表示:“在我们的图书馆,人们可以通过互联网定书。”

Once the book order request is received, the payment is processes to make sure the money is received and the stock of the book is checked.───一旦收到书籍订购请求,支付系统确保收到书款并检查书籍存量。

For a complete sample that demonstrates using MSMQ in the. NET Compact Framework, see MSMQ Book Order Application Sample.───有关演示在.NETCompactFramework中使用MSMQ的完整示例,请参见MSMQ丛书订购应用程序示例。

The first Beijing Book-Order conference of the new century was recently held at the Beijing International Exhibition Center.───新世纪第一届北京图书订货会日前在北京国际展览中心举行。


In section 1.1 we looked at a sample book order business process.

I eventually had to place a book order after scouring the shelves of shops and libraries.

If checked exceptions caused an automatic rollback, the entire book order would be rolled back just because the e-mail server was down.