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时间:2022-10-04 12:02:18 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3539字


Beauty ultrasonic scalpel


美容───cosmetology;超声刀───ultrasound knife


Objective : To provide anatomic data for clinical orthopedics, aesthetics, cosmetology and plastic surgery on the nose.───目的: 为临床整形外科学 、 美学 、 美容学做鼻整形术提供解剖学数据.

Set up safe, Concierge, market, cosmetology, etc. especially.───特设保险箱 、 礼宾部、大堂清吧 、 商场 、 美容美发等.

Aloe Vera is widely used in chemical engineering, medicine, cosmetology, health care, food and other fields.───及其制品已在化工、医药、美容、保健、食品等领域广为应用。

The pure pollen oral liquid exclusively sold here initiates a new age for women's cosmetology.───本店独家经销纯花粉口服液,开创女士美容新时代.

The lake bottom volcanic mud may serve as the cosmetology and the fitness.───湖底火山泥可用作美容和健身.

The overall image is graceful, beautiful and natural, has manifested the cosmetology profession characteristic well.───整体形象优雅 、 美丽、大方, 很好地体现了美容行业的特征.

Aloe Vera is widely used in chemical engineering, medicine, cosmetology, health care, food and other fields.───芦荟及其制品已在化工 、 医药 、 美容 、 保健 、 食品等领域广为应用.

Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology.───摘要目的为临床下肢美容术及人类形态学积累资料.


Then apply CHR - Multi - Function cosmetology apparatus to conduct electrocautery to scar which cannot be excised by operation.

Injection therapy, laser therapy, life cosmetology and medicine cosmetology are not included in the special offer.

Each manicurist should have a state - issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed.

It includes SPA, medical cosmetology, anti - ageing therapy, body check and preserves one's health etc.

Set up safe, Concierge, market, cosmetology, etc. especially.