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时间:2022-10-04 12:03:55 作者:学习啦 字数:2672字


Bingxin Yulu


冰心───Bing Xin;雨露───rain and dew


Elegance and exquisiteness" has been an impression of readers for Bing Xin s writing style.───关于冰心作品的文体一般读者已经有了一个模式化的记忆,即“典雅清丽”。

Later, I had the chance to interview the almost century-old famous writer in China, Bing Xin.───后来,我又在医院采访了世纪老人冰心。

Zao Pao by Bing Xin is a beautiful prose with the style of fairy story and fable.───是一篇糅合了冰心所擅长的童话和寓言风格的优美散文。

Bing Xin's grandmother to see from the prose of "Laughter, " Dad, turn on the side of her mother stacked blankets.───看起了冰心奶奶的散文《笑》,爸爸,就在一旁翻叠妈妈的被褥。

In Chinese contemporary literary, Su xue lin is a Literary giants with a beautiful quantum of achievement, As well as Bing Xin.───苏雪林是中国现代文学史上一位硕果累累的学林耆宿,与冰心齐名。

generation writer Bing Xin's grandmother, she To commemorate her A great mother, left a moving tear Pianpian the immortal poem.───一代作家冰心奶奶她为了纪念她的一位伟大的母亲,留下了不朽的移动撕片片诗。
