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时间:2022-10-04 16:00:37 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2905字


Normal distribution




To that extent , Iraq is still far from normality.───考虑到这些, 伊拉克还远远谈不上步入正轨.

If, however , the sample sizes are large enough, we do not need the assumption of normality.───如果样本容量充分大, 就不必做正态假设.

I have told security officials to restore normality as soon as possible.───我已告诉安全官员尽快恢复正常局面.

It is characterized by abstractness, objectivity, guidance, normality, creativeness and logicalness.───抽象性 、 客观性 、 指导性 、 规范性 、 创造性和逻辑性是其主要特征.

In Japan " normality " means steering interest rates gradually to somewhere around 2 %.───在日本, “ 常态 ” 意味着逐步指导利率达到2%左右.

Throughout the visit , Mr stefano jeon sattakom Beach on the normality, Hamada product price expressed satisfaction.───在整个行程中, 斯蒂法诺先生对威海滨田公司的正规性 、 滨田产品的优势的性价比表示了满意.

That means normality in northern Sri Lanka is still a very long way away.───那意味着离斯里兰卡真正的宁静还有很长一段路要走.

The runs test does not require the normality assumption.───游程检验不要求正态性假设.


He tried to restore some semblance of normality to their home life.