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时间:2022-10-04 16:02:58 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2357字


Play a temper


脾气───bad temper;耍───Play


He has a good [ bad ] temper.───他脾气好 [ 不好 ].

His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.───头疼使他的脾气更坏.

Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.───米克既固执又专横,脾气还很坏。

Susan is in a bad temper, so keep away from her.───苏珊正在生气, 你离她远着点.

You should keep in your bad temper.───你应该控制你的坏脾气.

His bad temper is easily accountable; he has had a toothache all day.───他的坏脾气是容易理解的, 因他整日牙痛.

I was in a bad temper last night.───昨晚我心情不好。

In a fit of bad temper, Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard.───一气之下,道吉把那个又深又大的油炸锅扔了。


Father is in a bad temper, but let him sleep it off.