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时间:2022-10-05 00:03:49 作者:星火作文 字数:3597字






Objective to observe the therapeutic effects of manipulation treatment of semi-luxation of sacroiliac joint combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Ointment.───目的观察消肿止痛膏配合手法治疗骶髂关节半脱位的疗效。

Huawei Terminal general manager of China Yang Xiaozhong that will further enhance the volume to meet the telecommunications needs of thousands of intelligent machines.───华为终端中国区总经理杨晓忠表示,将会进一步提升出货量以满足电信对千元智能机的需求。

Conclusion Treating semiluxation of sacroiliac joint with manipulation combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Ointment is satisfactory and enables soft tissue to repair.───结论消肿止痛膏配合手法治疗骶髂关节半脱位,不仅复位满意,而且能促使软组织修复。

Enter a week of center of cure of network strong interest, xiaozhong's change let her see a hope.───进入网瘾救治中心一周了,小钟的改变让她看到了希望。

On Xu Xiaozhong's drama views of "expressive aesthetics"───论徐晓钟的“表现美学”戏剧观

Wonderful unscramble: Colour connects body skirt gorgeously , conservative design suits Qing Chun's Xiaozhong very much.───出色解读:色彩艳丽的连身裙,保守的设计很适合清纯的小钟。


The person that knows Xiaozhong feels he is very eccentric, when getting angry sometimes, still meet haematemesis of ground of for no reason at all.

Conclusion Treating semiluxation of sacroiliac joint with manipulation combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Ointment is satisfactory and enables soft tissue to repair.

Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of manipulation treatment of semi-luxation of sacroiliac joint combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Ointment.

Little bell He Xiaopeng is classfellow , and be around, beautiful and clever small roc the condition that allowed Xiaozhong to produce a kind of love.

Methods Treat 52 patients of semiluxation of sacroiliac joint with manipulation combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Ointment.