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时间:2022-10-05 04:00:41 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2635字


The most beautiful highway


公路───highway;最美───The most beautiful


Anita drove north up Pacific Highway.───安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶。

He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror.───他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。

The motorcyclists rammed down the highway.───摩托车手们沿着公路飞驰而去.

Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.───酗酒是公路死亡事故的最主要的原因.

The new highway is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.───新公路定于年内竣工.

The highway twists up on the mountainside.───公路沿山腰盘旋而上.

The highway winds around the mountain.───这条公路盘山而上.

In the morning I rejoined Highway 127 south.───早上我重新回到了127号公路的南端。


The new highway dead-ended their lane.

The highway links the two cities together.

The highway stretched out ahead of me until it narrowed to a vanishing point some miles away.

The car skidded as she turned onto the highway.

The highway twists up on the mountainside.