Here to share some of the first day Jingsi Bookstore photo booth.───下面分享一些第一天静思书轩展位的照片。
Look at the Red, you Jingsi Music, dancing cool breeze.───看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。
is located in the Jingsi Road and south of the junction of the old bus station.───位于县城经四路,老汽车站路口以南。
Jingsi Bookstore opens up in a Taitung hotel And air traffic controllers in the US are being trained on a new simulator.───静思书轩在台东的饭店开幕,美国空中交通管制员利用模拟装置受训。
US Tzu Chi volunteer and recycling devotee, Lin Lihua, recently took her family back to Hualien's Jingsi Abode.───美国慈济人同时也是环保志工的林丽华,最近带著家人来到花莲精舍。
It is located in the Jingsi Road and south of the junction of the old bus station.───位于县城经四路,老汽车站路口以南。
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