It's a very good person
Our family adopted a child aged eight.───我们家领养了一个八岁的孩子.
Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.───默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术,将离开赛场6至8个星期。
Covers have been laid for eight.───已经摆了八副餐具.
I had to drive eight miles at rush hour.───我得在交通高峰时间行车8英里。
Wake up! It's eight o'clock.───醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。
He walked two hundred and sixty miles in eight days.───他在8天里走了260英里的路。
The music exam has eight grades; I have passed Grade 1, the easiest.───音乐考试分为八级, 我已通过了最容易的第一级.
The last of the ten inmates gave themselves up after twenty eight hours on the roof of the prison.───在监狱屋顶上坚持了28小时后,10名囚犯中的最后几个终于投降。
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