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时间:2022-10-05 08:04:44 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3332字


Subject system


科制───Subject system


You capture this information using sequence diagrams that focus on operational nodes (actors) interacting with the subject system via messages.───您可以利用着重于运作节点(参与者)通过消息与主题系统交互的序列图来获取该信息。

The Operational View (OV) focuses on the externally visible structure and behavior of the subject system.───运作视图(OV)着重于主题系统的表面上可见的结构和行为。

Its focus is on the subject system or enterprise you need to establish in that context.───其焦点是需要在该环境内建立的主题系统或企业。

Third, a description of the subject system of domestic Government Performance Assessment, with its problem and reason.───第三部分对我国政府绩效评估主体结构的现状进行了论述,并分析了存在的问题及原因;

"Jian" in the active subject system belongs to one of verb's smaller categories, indicating "make sb. do" .───施事主语句系统中“见”是动词中的一个小类,表施加。


In the subject system of Chinese language, its position is minority variety of Chinese language, which has an important value in use.

The system of the civil capacity for action is the important content of the civil subject system.

The main systems of the Environmental Public Interest Litigation surround the Procedure Environmental Rights, which includes subject system, special prepositive system, particular judgement and so on.

The system of civil capacity for action developed unceasingly with development of the civil subject system.

Through analyzing the subject system this article aims at ascertaining the hierarchical features: The nation (society) is the original, i. e. noumenal subject of moral education.