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时间:2022-10-05 16:02:13 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2926字


Leftover food


剩食物───Leftover food


Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food.───过来帮我把剩下的食物打包。

He did not like eating leftover food.───他不喜欢吃剩下的食物。

Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.───剩饭和没洗的盘子铺满了肮脏的台面。

Don't have to make a mess scraping leftover food off the plates into the bin, just put the plate straight into the machine.───无需把剩饭菜胡乱倒进垃圾袋里,你只要把碟子直接放入洗碗机里就可以了。

Leftover food, utensils used toothpicks should be placed on the tray, not to put on the table. the mouth with food, not to speak.───吃剩的菜,用过的餐具牙签,都应放在盘内,勿置桌上。嘴内有食物时,切勿说话。

You can keep leftover food in the jar if you didn't feel your baby out of that jar.───如果你不会觉得你的宝宝会用那个罐头,你可以把吃剩下的食物村放在里面。


In the cabin, the little trays of everybody's Chicken Kiev or Beef Stroganoff entrees are half eaten with the air conditioner cleaning up any leftover food smell.

Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.

But Aaron was too busy stuffing his pockets with leftover food.

The birds would eat any leftover food scraps.

They had an agreement that she would give them any leftover food from her shop.