Loop jacket
袢袄───Loop jacket
PVC insulated cables used to control and jacket for the 450/750 V AC voltage and under control, monitor and protect the loop line and other occasions, the wires used to control a crane control cables.───聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套控制电缆用于交流电压为450/750V及以下控制、监控迴路及保护线路等场合,该电线应用于控制一种吊机用控制电缆。
Stan Murch, in a uniform-like blue jacket, stood on the sidewalk in front of the Hilton and watched cab after cab make the loop in to the main entrance.───斯坦默奇穿着酷似制服的兰色夹克,站在希尔顿饭店前面的人行道上,看着出租车一辆接着一辆拐入大门口前。
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