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时间:2022-10-05 20:04:33 作者:语文迷 字数:2739字


Catching earthworms




The finless eel ate the earthworm in front in one bite.───黄鳝一口就把眼前的蛐蟮吃掉了.

When the earthworm appears in the morning, the sun will shine brightly.───早蚯出太阳,晚蚯迎雨汤.

When genetic characterization of the contents of beetle guts gave some unexpected results, the researchers decided to take a closer look at earthworm DNA.───当甲虫内脏内容物的遗传特性显示出一些意想不到的结果时,研究人员决定进一步研究蚯蚓的 DNA 。

Or to be more precise, she had found part of a giant Palouse earthworm.───或许说得更精确一点, 她发现的是一条巨型帕劳斯蚯蚓的部分身躯.

anatomy of an earthworm is much simpler than that of a man.───人类比较起来,蚯蚓的身体结构要简单多了。

In the earthworm and many other invertebrates, these excretory structures are called nephridia.───在蚯蚓和许多其它无脊椎动物中, 这些排泄结构称为肾管.

Earthworm populations in arable soils in the United States may be destroyed by frost.───在美国可耕地中蚯蚓的种群会被冰冻所毁坏.

Their extraordinary image sandy soil plain earthworm lizard and javelin lizard.───它们非常像沙土平原的蚯蚓蜥蜴和标枪蜥蜴.
