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时间:2022-10-06 00:00:19 作者:星火作文 字数:2636字


The rest




I took part in the tiger hunt.───我参加了猎虎.

The Arctic Ocean is considered to be a northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.───北冰洋被看做是大西洋的北部.

In the months leading up to the great ceremony, many people took part in the preparations.───临近盛典的几个月里, 许多人参加了准备工作.

Part of the roof has caved in.───部分屋顶已经坍塌了。

They displayed only a part of their products because space was limited.───因场地有限,他们只展出了部分产品.

The employment outlook for the next year is based in part on contracts signed this year.───明年的就业前景部分地取决于今年签订的合同.

She's part French, part English.───她是英法血统各半。

After hiking all day we finally reached the uppermost part of the mountain.───徒步走了一整天,我们终于爬到了山顶.


Friends [The best of friends] must part.

Generosity is part of the American character.

Friends must part.

He has sown coffee on part of his acreage.

Discretion is the better part of valour.