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时间:2022-10-06 04:00:20 作者:语文迷 字数:2463字


A bundle of cattail is preserved


束蒲───Shupu;脯───Preserved meat


Shupu Yizhu written by Huang Yuan is composed of two parts.───黄源老著的《书谱译注》由两部分组成。

construction of inclined ship elevator is one of the key technical problems in the project of Shupu River Estuary Sluice.───浦江河口大闸料坡式升船机工程是该工程所攻克的主要技术难题之一。

The construction of inclined ship elevator is one of the key technical problems in the project of Shupu River Estuary Sluice.───戍浦江河口大闸料坡式升船机工程是该工程所攻克的主要技术难题之一。

Thus, businessmen here hawkers began laying a share, for the most time to Shupu, antiques, Crafts, Wenfangsibao, and other times.───于是,商人小贩开始在这里开铺设摊,当时以书铺为最,古玩、字画、文房四宝等次之。

Shupu wrote with the grass script. The ink marks of Shupu spread have main theads.───《书谱》用草书写成,墨迹流传有绪,现藏台北故宫博物院。
