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时间:2022-10-06 08:00:24 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2582字


Where is your class




Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.───党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层.

Let's go home together after class ( is over ).───下课以后我们一起回家.

She was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school.───从全班中选出她来作为去另一学校的代表.

She put herself down for an aerobics class.───她报名上有氧健身班.

We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.───我们去上生物课而不去上英语课.

She infected the whole class with her laughter.───他的笑声感染了全班同学.

Has that noisy class settled down yet?───那个吵闹的班安静下来了 吗 ?

Peter made the most mistakes of all the class.───全班同学中,彼得出的错最多.


That dictionary belongs to the class.

You should adapt yourself to the new class.

He is the cleverest boy in the class.

He will take over Class 9801 next week.

The teacher is in charge of the class.