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时间:2022-10-06 12:01:58 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2690字


keep up the good work




We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.───我们希望她能继续大力支持,并能与她维持亲密友谊。

He will continue as chairman emeritus.───他将会继续担任荣誉主席。

The rebels continue their push towards the beleaguered capital.───叛军继续向四面被围的首都推进。

She was too tired to continue.───她太疲劳无法继续下去.

's useless for us to continue.───我们继续做下去也无用。

Still, a majority continue to support the treaty.───大多数人依然支持这份条约。

The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come.───在未来几年里,日本的经济发展将继续快过其国外的对手。

I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.───我本人也保证将继续为正义而战。


The embassy will continue discussions with the Chinese government.

The students voted to continue the struggle.

Most big companies continue to overpay their top executives.

The rain will continue into the evening.

She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.