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时间:2022-10-06 12:03:27 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2872字


Elegant man


雅人───Elegant people;韵士───Yunshi


Tour of the city port, visitors to the Holy Land, there are literati, elegant people Xiangpei is a cozy thing.───游名城大埠,游人文圣地,有文人、雅人相陪是件惬意事。

People are absorbed into a "culture of consumption" launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered "vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere".───人们被一种“消费文化”所吸引,这种“消费文化”是由19世纪的百货商店所开创的,这些商店“在优雅的气氛中陈列着琳琅满目的商品”。

Jane feels she can never compete with these snobbish, elegant people.───简知道自己永远不会和这些高雅却势利的人竞争。

If asked, mostly boys should have or realism school, whenever a man chose the latter, only a small number of elegant people.───如若被问及,大都男生应该都还是现实主义派,但凡有男子选了后者,也只是少数几个清雅之人而已。

Jane feels she can never compete with these snobbish, elegant people.───简·爱感到她永远无法同这些高雅却势利的人们竞争。

They are of such elegant people.───他们就是那种气质非常高雅的人。


Such renderings always show pleasant sunny weather, and slim and elegant people walking in corners of treelined plazas.