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时间:2022-10-06 16:00:29 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2255字


I want to buy postcards


想要───to want to;明信片───Postcard


She was too well-bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.───她太有涵养了,以至于不想去伤害这个小男孩的感情。

Their faces said, were they not noodles to want to go?───他们的脸在说,如果想去他们会不会是傻瓜?

They seem to want to fossilize the environment in which people live and work.───他们看样子想把人们工作和生活环境陈腐化。


Who would have a reason to want to kill her?

He appears to want to leave.

Everyone seems to want to get into television to claim their share of fame and fortune.

She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.

He seemed to want to slough off all his old acquaintances.