Cry, cry, it's not a sin
I hate it when people cry.───我厌烦别人哭。
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry!───真教我哭不得笑不得!
Babies cry when they are tired.───婴儿疲倦时会哭。
With a cry, she rushed forward.───她大喊一声,向前冲去。
Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.───她接受了巴伦一起去看比赛的邀请,但她感冒了,最后不得不取消约定。
A nurse patted me on the shoulder and said, "You have a good cry, dear."───一位护士拍了拍我的肩膀说,“痛快地哭一场吧,宝贝儿.”
It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say "a good cry", not "a cry good".───英语规定形容词通常放在其修饰的名词前:我们说agoodcry,不说acrygood。
I feel like a good cry.───我真想痛痛快快地大哭一场.
英语使用场景 b>