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时间:2022-10-06 16:04:40 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2474字


Beautiful teeth


靓牙───Beautiful teeth


We hope that the students have a healthy and beautiful teeth.───我们希望同学们都拥有一副健康而美丽的牙齿。

He also had beautiful white teeth.───他还有一口洁白的牙齿。

smile displays beautiful teeth when one has them; but she did not smile.───人可以在笑时露出美丽的牙齿,但是她一点也不笑。

A smile displays beautiful teeth when one has them; but she did not smile.───人可以在笑时露出美丽的牙齿,但是她一点也不笑。

So then they could eat well and always open their mouths with a smile full of beautiful teeth.───那个时候,他们可以吃的好,还会张开装了一口漂亮牙齿的嘴微笑。

Your always go to see the dentist so all of you have very beautiful teeth.───总是看牙医,所以每个人都拥有非常美丽的牙齿。


He stood up when Alexandra came into the bar, held out his hand, smiled, showing beautiful teeth.