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时间:2022-10-06 20:00:38 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2747字






The car ran smack into a wall.───汽车猛地撞在墙上.

He asked his father for the car, but his father said right off that he couldn't have it.───他向父亲借这辆汽车, 但是他父亲直截了当地拒绝了.

The car hood was dented in.───汽车的发动机罩已凹了进去.

I intend to amortize the total cost of the car over three years.───我打算用三年时间分期偿还汽车的所有费用.

The gate isn't wide enough to get the car through.───这大门不够宽,小汽车进不去.

Our new neighbor is always flinging his money around , with his color television and his new car every year.───我们的新邻居为了摆阔气总是乱花钱,每年买一台彩色电视和一辆新车.

The car has a fancooled radiator.───这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器.

The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product.───这种汽车的成功显示精良的设计对打开销路的重要性.


He works for a company that manufactures car parts.

Go and give the car a wash.

The car stalled at the roundabout.

That's my new car. She's beautiful, isn't she?

My car has had two punctures this week.