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时间:2022-10-06 20:03:02 作者:星火作文 字数:2867字


The feeling of heart




Seeing the guest beckoning to him, the waiter goes over.───见到客人向自己示意, 服务员走了过去.

of a month without work was beckoning her.───一个月的闲暇时光令她神往。

Employees are there to work, not to do your every beckoning.───雇员是来工作的, 不是来惟命是从的.

Again Wolf Larsen laughed, at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow.───海狼赖生又笑了, 同时挥手招呼他们追过来.

The door opened slightly and Dr. Meade stood on the threshold, beckoning imperiously.───门稍稍开了,米德大夫站在门口急平地招呼她.

Stops, then quickens his pace, and follows the beckoning shadow.───站住, 再加快步伐, 追随那影子的召唤.

This made him very vulnerable to the beckoning call of the dark side.───此时的昆兰仍然掌握着原力,却全无教条约束.

He reeled and recovered , the darkling abyss below beckoning to him, inviting his fall.───他蹒跚着, 努力恢复平衡.


Beckoning the boss, the customer asks where he found this prodigy.

He was leaning over the wall, beckoning me.

It is absorbed, intoxicated, into the beckoning sea of light and warmth.

"Hey you!", she called, beckoning me over with her finger.

I could see my husband beckoning me.