You two are idiots
Carpenter: Well, I knew some idiot would ask me. So I measured it!───木匠: 我知道会有傻瓜问, 所以我量了.
That idiot porter again knocked on my door!───那个白痴行李工又来敲我的门了!
At that time, I listened to the story, thinking: story of people must be a idiot.───当时, 我听了故事, 心想: 编故事的人一定是一个白痴.
He snubbed her in public and made her feel an idiot.───他当众冷落她,让她觉得自己像一个白痴似的。
That man's a right idiot!───那个男子完全是个白痴.
You think sawing like an idiot has anything to do with your major?───你这样像傻瓜地锯木头对你的主修有什么帮助?
I felt like a complete idiot.───我感到完全像个傻瓜。
You are behaving like a perfect idiot.───你表现得像个十足的白痴.
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