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时间:2022-10-07 00:00:34 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2929字


take warning


引以为戒───take warning


Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others take warning.───犯罪的人,当在众人面前责备他, 叫其余的人也可以惧怕.

Better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king take warning.───贫穷而有智慧的少年人,胜过年老不肯纳谏的愚昧王.

We must take warning from this state of affairs.───我们一定要引为鉴戒.

It doesn't matter that we make mistakes, what matters is that we take warning from it.───我们犯了错误不要紧, 重要的是以后要引为鉴戒.

Happy is he who can take warning from the mishap of others.───幸福的人就是能从别人的不幸中引以为戒的人。

Let the race of Adam and Eve take warning.───让亚当和夏娃的种族视之为警告吧。

You should take warning from his example.───你应当把他作为前车之鉴.

I said to myself. 'Take warning and begone!───我自言自语,“接受警告,滚吧!”


All employees in foreign aviations should take warning from this case, enhance their code of professional ethics and take precautions against occupational crimes.

This kind besotted, fatuous manner, was precisely Dickens must the bourgeoisie ruler then take warning.

And take warning: Most hotels will require a minimum four-night stay during the festival.

But speak to him mildly ; perchance he may take warning or fear ( Allah ).