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时间:2022-10-07 00:02:43 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3407字


movable-type printing


活字───Movable type;印刷───printing


Record the experience for Engraving movable type, hand - printed.───纪录一次雕板活字, 手工印刷.

Bi Sheng invented movable type printing.───毕升发明了活字印刷.

Most weblog systems now use similar URLs by default, including Movable Type.───现在大部分网志程序都使用类似的网址结构了,包括Movable Type。

Equipment of communication of movable type of the others ─ and system.───其余─移动式通信设备和系统.

Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048.───宋仁宗庆历(一○四一——一○四八)年间,毕升发明了活字印刷.

Bi Sheng invented the movable - type printing. The technique of block printing reached its stage of maturity.───毕发明了活字印刷, 雕版印刷技术也日臻成熟.

A subroutine is a part of a program that can be re-used, just like movable type.───是在一段程序中可以被重用的部分,就像活字那样。

Movable type characters made from hardened clay were used in China as early as 1041 A.───中国早在公元1041年就使用了由硬泥土做成的活字.


Ozone machine sort is more can divide by the structure for: Movable type, outside buy type, inside type of buy type, wall hung, be born.

So that was the reason why there were some books printed using movable type, but it never really replaced wood-block printing in the way it did in the West.

In the same century, the invention of movable type and the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 contributed to the birth of the first copyright system in the world.

Since the invention of printing, New Year Picture has been developed into a movable type printing from its primitive patterns as wood engraving and painting.

Movable type doctor blade , transverse reciprocating motion.