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时间:2022-10-07 08:00:53 作者:趣历史 字数:2678字


Black painting


黑绘───Black painting


Measurement of thermel resistance black painting was described, and thus calibration factor of the black painting of the response area of the absolute radiometer.───本文介绍了黑涂层热阻的测量,进而推及热电型电校准辐射计锥腔型灵敏面黑涂层热阻的校正因子。

wanders freely everywhere on the wall, except on the black painting.───在墙面上构成不断变换的图形,在墙上四处游荡,唯独巧妙地避开墙上的黑色画作。

The painting depicts a screaming person with the backdrop of black running river and blood-red sky.───该画作描绘的是一个尖叫的人,背后是黑色奔涌的河流和血红色的天空。

There is natural water black painting Grand Canyon of wonderful workmanship excelling nature.───有巧夺天工的天然水墨丹青大峡谷。


Hannegan grimaced at the big black painting on the wall.

Measurement of thermel resistance black painting was described, and thus calibration factor of the black painting of the response area of the absolute radiometer.

Black humour, black painting, flares in the night of The Disasters of War and the Disparates.