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时间:2022-10-07 12:01:54 作者:星火作文 字数:2301字


Say hello to your superiors


说好───Say yes;向上级───Report to the superior


Do say yes: to that clump of birches at the turn!───说可以吧!就走到转弯地方那丛桦树那儿!

When we say yes , we mean it.───我们说同意就同意.

Someone twisted my arm and forced me to say yes.───有人扭住了我的手臂强迫我同意.

But they also do not mean " Yes ", when they say " Yes "───但是当他们说 “ 是 ” 的时候,他们的意思并不 “ 是 ”

Because the more that you get them to say yes now, the more likely they are to say yes in the future.───因为你让他们现在说“是”的次数越多,他们将来就越有可能说“是”。

Just say yes or no.───只要说“是”或“不是”。

Will she say yes when I ask her out?───我约她出去,她会答应吗?

'Do I say yes, mamma?'───“ 我要回答是的么, 妈妈? ”
