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时间:2022-10-07 12:04:23 作者:星火作文 字数:3663字


Wang Xiaobo


王小波───Wang Xiaobo


After Wang Xiaobo died, the folk and the official the manner were entirely different to Wang Xiaobo, Wang Xiaobo after dying has had two kind of different sounds.───王小波去世后民间与官方对王小波的态度截然不同,王小波在去世后产生了两种不同的声音。

had never written to a total stranger prior to this. Somehow I was struck by the death of Wang Xiaobo, he was the one whom I had always wanted to write to.───从未写过一封给陌生人的信,但王小波的死给了我极大的打击,因为他就是我曾经想要写信的人。

The second chapter"Wang Xiaobo's edge writing"mainly analyzes the literary production thought which and his work characteristic Wang Xiaobo dual sets at variance.───第二章“王小波的边缘写作”主要分析王小波双重解构的文学创作思维和他作品的特征。

But the death of WANG-Xiaobo is a shock to me, for he is the imagined receiver of my letter.───迄今为止从未写过一封给陌生人的信,但王小波的死给了我极大的打击,因为他就是我曾经想要写信的人。

Affected by Russell, Wang Xiaobo emphasizes the pure nature and self-sufficiency of knowledge, and sees the learning itself as a purpose.───王小波受其影响,强调知识的纯粹性和自足性,将求知本身作为一种意义。

In the reforming social time, Wang Xiaobo "the edge person" has persevered his free thought as the intellectual.───在转型的社会时期,王小波作为知识分子“边缘人”坚守了自己的自由思想。


Because Wang Xiaobo was deeply influenced by Nouveau Roman, Marguerite Duras and Italo Calvino, the thesis surveys their influences on Wang Xiaobo in three respects: 1, the narrator Wang Two.

In virtue of the fantastic story, Wang Xiaobo presented a kind of ultimate contrary theory that exist at the same time, also expresses a kind of liberalistic ethical claim.

Under the superficial bustle manipulated by the media, what's projected on Wang Xiaobo is actually a profound culture imagination and self-approval of the middle class.