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时间:2022-10-07 16:01:23 作者:学习啦 字数:2409字


Promise again


重诺───Promise again


Bill broke his promise again. I won't believe his anymore.───比尔又失信了,我再也不会相信他了。

Bill broke his promise again. I won't believe him anymore.───我准知道你是不会失信的,在你走以前,我还要让你遵守诺言。

The next day, he felt like drinking, but when he was about to do so, he thought of his promise again. In the end, he decided not to drink.───第二天,他又想喝酒,但当他正准备这样做的时候,他再次想起了他的承诺…最后,他决定不喝了。

Husband: Sorry, I have to break the promise again this time.───丈夫:对不起,我这次不得不又食言了。

Now, you get back to me, You give me a promise again, i have accept you.───而现在,你回到我身边,你给了我一个承诺,我再次接受你。


He'd broken his promise again, and it was the last straw.