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时间:2022-10-07 16:02:41 作者:语文迷 字数:3198字


Aspire to


有志───Aspire to


For us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain.───对我们来说, 那是可望而不可即的.

This interpretation implied that the West provided a congenial environment where women could aspire to their own goals, free from constrictive stereotypes and sexist.───这种解释意味着西方提供了一个适宜的环境,在那里妇女可以追求自己的目标,摆脱束缚的刻板印象和性别歧视。

There are many waitresses that aspire to be actresses.───有许多的女服务生向往成为女演员.

Men aspire to be able to show off their six packs or their V-shape backs and there's a growing market of slimming pills aimed at men too.───男性渴望展示自己的六块腹肌或 V 型后背,针对男性的减肥药市场也在不断增长。

Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in two months.───玛丽雄心很大,竟想在两个月里学会用汉语流利地会话.

They knew unerringly what to aspire to.───他们完全明白应追求什么.

Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months.───玛丽雄心很大,竟想在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话.

If you do not aspire to excellence, you will never achieve it.───如果你不渴望杰出, 你就永远达不到.


We can aspire to excellence in the arts, broadcasting and sport.

Most of us aspire to be as good in our jobs as Rice is in his.

Those who aspire to the education front bench should reach higher levels.

We can aspire to a higher consciousness.

I don't aspire to anything very grand - I just want a place I can call my own.