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时间:2022-10-07 16:03:56 作者:趣历史 字数:3142字


It's on the edge of the tree


树边───By the tree;上───upper


The ants live in large, hollow thorns and eat sugar secreted by the tree.───这些蚂蚁住在巨大且空心的荆棘中,并且以这种树分泌出来的糖分为食。

so befell that once when they were all standing together by the tree, a young knight came up.───当她们再次都来到树前的时候同样的事情又发生了,一个年轻的骑士出现了。

eggs "advertised" by the tree-nesters' begging calls were found bitten significantly more often than the eggs associated with the ground-nesters' calls.───发现,录音机在播放树上筑巢的鸣禽的乞食叫声时,比起在播放地面筑巢的鸣禽的乞食叫声时,鸟蛋被攻击的几率明显增大。

Not with him by the tree with the flow, a pair of little yellow 10000 Red.───不与他树同逐流,万黄丛中一点红。

So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.───于是他从此不再耕种,每天在树桩旁等待野兔的到来。

It so befell that once when they were all standing together by the tree, a young knight came up.───当她们再次都来到树前的时候同样的事情又发生了,一个年轻的骑士出现了。


It is almost completely obscured by the tree which surrounds it and hides the light under its foliage.

Anna sees something under the table by the tree.

Rip saw a man standing by the tree.

He saw a tiger couching itself by the tree.

George stopped and Libby crouched beside him, waiting until her eyes saw the figure by the tree.