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时间:2022-10-07 20:02:33 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2891字


white person


白种人───white person


That white person will ride home on a cloud.───那白人将乘云归家。

No white person helped them.───没有白人帮助他们。

You hear a scream from outside either from a black person or a white person.───你可以听到外面的尖叫声,不管是黑人还是白人。

The bus driver demanded that all four black people leave their seats so the white person would not have to sit next to any of them.───司机命令所有的黑人都离开他们的坐位,这样白人就可以不必与他们中的任何一个黑人坐在一起了。

In one set of cases, experimental psychosurgery was conducted on three inmates, a black, a Chicano and a white person.───在一系列案例中,精神外科实验在3个囚犯身上进行过,一个黑人,一个墨西哥裔美国人,一个白人。

', is as intrusive and inappropriate as for a white person to ask a Black colleague, 'And where do you come from?───其无礼程度正如白人问黑人同事“你是哪里人”一样。


In some countries black people do not have equality with white people.

Many of them admitted being prejudiced against white people.

A white person was by definition somebody.

The fear was that white people would feel alienated.

We know about black people as victims, but not about white people as perpetrators of crimes against black people.