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时间:2022-10-08 00:03:35 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3081字






Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole.───适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏.

With atropine, ocular effects are accompanied by tachycardia.───用阿托品则产生眼效应,并伴有心率加快.

Condusion: Atropine was the main medicine for succeeding rescuing severe organophosphate poisoning.───结论: 阿托品是抢救急性有机磷农药中毒成功的主要药物.

Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis.───这种由阿托品引起的结膜炎,可用抗组胺类药物控制.

Objective: Vsing Atropine rescues severe organophosphate poisoning.───目的: 采用阿托品抢救重度有机磷农药中毒.

The effects on mouse's ileum can totally been inhibited by atropine , eserine, fugutoxin, and morphine.───对小鼠回肠的作用可完全被阿托品抑制,或被毒扁豆碱 、 河豚毒素或吗啡抑制.

OBJECTIVE To prepare atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution.───目的制备硫酸阿托品眼用胶体溶液.

Objective : To measure content of atropine sulfate in belladonna tablet.───目的: 测定颠茄片中硫酸阿托品的含量.


Atropine has negligible effects on the human uterus.

If atropine it was, it was easily obtainable in extract of belladonna.

Objective: Vsing Atropine rescues severe organophosphate poisoning.

Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis.

OBJECTIVE To prepare atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution.