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时间:2022-10-08 04:03:02 作者:趣历史 字数:2534字


Vigorous way


劲道───Vigorous way


Chelation therapy was the main vigorous way to cure the disease with rather favourable prognosis.───治疗主要措施是积极驱铅治疗,预后良好。

medias union is a vigorous way to integrate media resources, construct media resultant force and cope with the market competition in the fierce media competition.───媒体联动是整合媒体资讯、打造传媒合力、应对市场竞争的有效途径。

And it's just the most amazingly vigorous way of painting.───这是一种非常有爆发力和活力的作画方式。

The fight for Turkey's soul is about to be joined in a much more vigorous way.───将会以更有力的方法加入到为土耳其精神的战斗中去。

When I was small, to see someone else riding a new bike, and that mighty, vigorous way, I envy ah well!───小时候,看见别人骑着崭新的自行车,那威武、神气的样子,我好羡慕啊!


Chelation therapy was the main vigorous way to cure the disease with rather favourable prognosis.