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时间:2022-10-08 04:04:40 作者:语文迷 字数:2486字


There are eight pears on the table


桌子───Table;八个梨───Eight pears


The child is not big enough to sit at table yet.───那孩子还小,不能上桌吃饭.

He put a rectangular box on the table.───他把一个长方形的箱子放在桌子上.

He seated himself at a writing table.───他在写字台前坐下.

Aargh—get that cat off the table!───啊—把那猫从桌上赶走!

He pushed the money towards me across the table.───他从桌子那边把钱朝我推过来.

The newspaper blew off the table.───桌上的报纸叫风给刮跑了.

Give the table a good rub.───把这桌子好好擦一下.

She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.───她撞在桌子上,使陶器哗啦一声碎落到地上.


He set a vase of flowers on the table.

May I clear the plates off the table?

The whole table heard what he said.

He banged his fist loudly on the table.

Leave your things on the table over there.