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时间:2022-10-08 12:04:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2715字


I love watching Avengers three


复仇者联盟───The Avengers;我喜欢───I like it


new footage for The Avengers: Age of Ultron, which is set for release in May 2015, was unveiled by Marvel Studios.───漫威影业发布了即将在2015年5月上映的《复仇者联盟:奥创时代》的最新片段。

I like The Avengers — because I love the idea and dynamics of team crime-fighting, as opposed to a solo superhero.───我真的很喜欢《复仇者》——因为我喜欢这个反犯罪团队的理念和动力,而不是一个单独的超级英雄。

I guess that's something the writers can fix with the next appearance of the Helicarrier-maybe in The Avengers 2.───我想这是编剧可对下一部天空母舰外观进行的修改——也许在《复仇者联盟2》中。

The Avengers, crashing when their fuel was exhausted, would have been sent to the bottom in seconds'by the 50 foot waves of the storm.───复仇者,当它们的燃料被用尽的时候,在50英尺高暴风雨波浪影响下绝对会片刻就沉入海底。

There was no sign of the Avengers .───没有复仇者的踪迹。

The character Rogers will also be featured in next summer's "The Avengers" .───罗杰斯这一角色还将出现在明年暑期档的《复仇者》中。
