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时间:2022-10-08 16:01:10 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2600字


I think cycling is easier than running




I rode my bicycle to school every day for ten years.───有十年时间,我每天都骑自行车上学.

She pedaled her bicycle slowly up the hill.───她骑自行车慢慢上山.

It was very skillful of you to repair my bicycle.───你修好了我的自行车,技术真好.

Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tires?───你能借我一个打气筒给自行车轮胎打气 吗 ?

She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle.───她摩托车都会骑, 自行车更不在话下了.

Can I park my bicycle here?───我可以把我的自行车放在这儿 吗 ?

The two brothers were brought to terms by their father for riding the bicycle.───父亲使两兄弟同意共骑一辆自行车.

I dismounted and began to push my bicycle up the hill.───我从自行车下来,开始推着上坡.


I left my bicycle out in the rain.

She was riding a bicycle.

I was jealous of Mary's new bicycle.

My bicycle has to be repaired.

He was accused of stealing a small boy's bicycle.