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时间:2022-10-08 16:02:29 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2705字


Promotion season


促销季───Promotion season


The following season featured a close fought battle for promotion as the club sought an immediate return to the top division.───接下来的一个赛季球队一直为升级而战度,希望能够立即回到顶级联赛。

The club won the Second Division championship the following season, gaining promotion to the top flight.───这个成绩足以赢得联赛的第二个升级的资格。 该俱乐部同时取得来年次级联赛的冠军,并升到了顶级联赛。

If Alex McLeish was unable to keep the Birmingham City board happy during a promotion season, then what chance does he have of surviving in the Premier League?───如果Alex McLeish在接下来的赛季中不能继续让伯明翰城俱乐部委员会感到高兴,那么他在英超中继续生存的可能性有多大?

The climax games to the 1976-77 promotion season when a young, homegrown side triumphed against a backdrop of financial crisis.───77升级赛季的比赛可谓跌宕起伏,尽管当年陷入财政危机,由年轻国内球员担纲的切尔西如愿升级。


Vinny Jones - Again very influential during the promotion season, Wilko signed him as a notice of intent.