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时间:2022-10-08 20:02:17 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2808字


When were you born




He came back to earth when the teacher told him to pay more attention.───当老师告诉他要认真的时候,他回到了现实中来.

When winter comes, some birds will fly away to the south.───冬天到来时, 一些鸟就会飞到南方去.

He had gone when I arrived.───当我到达时,他业已走了.

I'm always nervous when I make a speech.───在发言时我总是感到紧张.

As the jewel was in the rough state , he had no idea what size it would be when cut.───这块宝石未经琢磨, 他不知道加工后有多大.

Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.───公元5世纪为雅典的太平盛世.雅典最优秀的诗歌、戏剧 、 建筑和雕刻均产生于这一时期.

Please stand up when we call your name.───我们叫到你的名字时请起立.

When I read this article, thoughts thronged my mind and I couldn't sleep.───读了这篇文章后,我浮想联翩,夜不能寐.


When love puts in, friendship is gone.

He moved to London when he was sixteen .

A sow, when washed; returns to the muck.

We're all a bit gauche when we're young.

The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.