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时间:2022-10-09 00:00:46 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2570字


Simple learning


简学───Simple learning


For now, be aware that even apparently simple learning algorithms can accomplish a great deal.───现在我们只需要知道,即使是简单明确的算法也可以做很多事情。

learning curve of the content management system───内容管理系统要便于学习

notes and reviewing them are among the simple learning habits we too often overlook.───笔记和温习笔记是最简单的学习习惯,但我们却经常忽视。

Many of the children mentioned a need for simple learning and writing materials as well as sports equipment.───一些孩子提到的需要是简单的学习材料和写作的料以及运动设备。

Taking notes and reviewing them are among the simple learning habits we too often overlook.───记笔记和温习笔记是最简单的学习习惯,但我们却经常忽视。

My educational philosophy is simple: Learning should be fun.───我的教育哲学观非常简单:学习应该是快乐的。


There is good evidence for that as part of a simple learning task in sea slugs.