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时间:2022-10-09 04:00:54 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2908字


You are my little vanity


小虚荣───Little vanity;你是───You are?


Another quick tip - whenever you're building a new site, think about blacklisting a set of vanity URLs (and maybe learn a little bit about bad URL design from Quora's URLs).───另一个快速提示——每当你构建一个新的站点时,考虑一下这一组不实用的URL的黑名单列表(或许可从Quora的UR L中了解到一点糟糕的URL设计)。

Sense of identity can also be interpreted as vanity, everyone has a little vanity, always hope to get others' praise and recognition.───身份感也可理解为虚荣心,每个人都有一点虚荣心,总是希望得到别人的赞美和认同。

The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterward be amply repaid.───牺牲眼前的一些虚荣,日后就会大有收获。

Be a filial son, I will certainly to meet his little vanity . . . AS a . . .───作为一个孝顺的儿子,我当然会满足他这小小的虚荣心Asafilialson,I…

When my birthday arrived, I will get two surprises. not too big or too small, which can satisfy my little vanity.───每到生日这天,两边都会有一个惊喜,不大不小,可以满足我小小的虚荣心。

First, go to college is an experience, after all, there are a lot of people can not on the formal university can meet my little vanity.───第一、上大学是一种经历,毕竟还有很多人上不了正规的大学,可以小小的满足一下自己的虚荣心。
