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时间:2022-10-09 08:06:16 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2523字


Paper class


卷班───Paper class


I was up till 3 this morning, writing a paper for my literature class.───我熬夜到今天早上3点,一直在为文学课写论文。

You've been observing Mr. Grable's third-grade class for your approaches to education paper, right?───论文,你一直在观察格拉布尔老师所带的三年级学生的课堂,对吧?

Guangzhou QuanXing (LiuXing) paper class production factory was established in 1992. We were specialized production food cures the packing, the appliance decorations' factory.───广州市全兴(鎏兴)纸类制品厂成立于1992年,是一家专业生产食品烘焙包装、器具饰物的厂家。

writing paper class: book paper, letters by paper, notes for the paper, typing paper, card paper, plotting drawing.───抄写纸类:帐簿纸、书函纸、杂记纸、打字纸、卡片纸、绘图纸。

Replaces the paper class archives with the email.───用电子邮件代替纸类公文。

Supposes the paper recycling box, the scrap paper recycling boxrecycling paper class───设纸张回收箱,废纸回收箱回收纸类。
