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时间:2022-10-09 12:02:06 作者:星火作文 字数:2668字


Inside line


内线───Inside line


The result makes clear , this tool conduces to cutting longerly well deflection maintains inside line segment.───结果表明, 该工具有助于在较长的切线段内保持井斜.

reconnecting the plant to the grid and restarting the cooling pumps inside as the last line of defence before a major release of radiation.───核电站和铁网再次相连,内部冷却泵重新启动,它们成为严重核辐射爆发前的最后防线。

Some project in accordance with the requirements of the front line aircraft flying instructed frame, the inside line on the fly.───有的项目要求按照前面飞机的路线飞行,有指示框,在里面飞就行了。

For instance, most Kohler tanks have a proper fill line marked inside the tank.───比如,大多数Kohler水箱内侧都会标记出标准水位线。

The middle point of the inside line around a corner at which drivers aim their cars.───赛车过弯线路的中点,车手在入弯时使赛车指向的位置.


Well ...If a behind car doesn't have overlap before the turn-in point then they shouldn't disappear up your inside line but stay tucked in behind you.