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时间:2022-10-09 12:03:54 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3193字






Jewel Quest Solitaire and Super Mahjong explore two games collection.───宝石探秘纸牌与超级麻将探索两款游戏的合集.

Gaming . Where the peasant association is powerful , mahjong, dommoes and card games are completely banned.───牌:农会势盛地方,麻雀 、 骨牌、纸叶子,一概禁绝.

I can play the week away with mahjong!───我可以这整个星期都在打麻将!

Recreation Center: equipped with such recreation facilities as table tennis, snooker and automatic mahjong.───康乐中心: 配有乒乓球 、 英式桌球及自动麻将等娱乐设施.

Black is studying how to play Chinese mahjong.───他的理想是当一名文学家,为此他报考了中文专业.

I do not know if you can call mahjong palfriend.───我不知道你能否把“方城之友”称为“朋友”?

Even for gambling , he had prepared mahjong sets, so much more refined than common betting games.───连赌钱, 他都预备下麻将牌, 比押宝就透着文雅了许多.

I was cheaned out last night playing mahjong.───昨晚打麻将把钱输光了.


Although the mahjong tiles were still clicking in Chuehhsin's room, they were not nearly so noisy.

In GB the mahjong, basic hand consists of two cards and four cards, while the Annona species, mostly from which three vice licensing decisions, so the fourth cards can be used to deceive an opponent.

You play mahjong until 4 a.m. with your in-laws on holidays.

" Who plays mahjong? " interrupted the president.

Introduction of Zhongyuan MahjongThe is a Mahjong solitaire game with very simple rules but by no means a game being easy to win.