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时间:2022-10-09 16:01:42 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3364字


The enhancement of self-awareness




A wave of self-consciousness can wash over her when someone new enters the room.───一有陌生人进房间,她就感到极不自在。

Don't assume that the agonizing and the self - consciousness are all on your conflicted, guilty parental side.───不要认为烦恼和害羞全部在你,也就是父母矛盾 、 愧疚的一边.

Meanwhile the stage of college is an critical time of self - consciousness development and self - identity establishment.───同时大学阶段是个体 自我 意识的发展和 自我 同一性确立的关键时期.

Self - consciousness is the mental mechanism of the origin and development of virtue.───自我 意识是德性形成和发展的心理机制.

The imagination in singing training is a way to control self consciousness.───歌唱训练中的想象,实为一项自我意识调控法.

Discipline and Conduct: Degree of self - consciousness shown in abiding to related rules and regulations.───品行与行为: 遵守管理公司的条例及规则.

can wash over her when someone new enters the room.───有陌生人进入房间时,她会感到不自在。

It was due wholly to her natural manner and total lack of self - consciousness.───这完全是由于她姿态自然,毫无忸怩.


Dinner together was inhibited by self-consciousness.

A wave of self-consciousness can wash over her when someone new enters the room.

According to Blackwell, morality involved the evolution of self-consciousness which had developed only in the human species.

As an adult, you know that self-consciousness only inhibits your ability to perform well.

Moreover, the principle of linguistic self-consciousness or reflexivity seems to be made even more explicit when transposed to the narrative model.