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时间:2022-10-09 16:03:21 作者:学习啦 字数:2811字






A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song.───一只山鸟的晚歌打断了他的遐想.

He drifted off into sexual reverie again.───他迷迷糊糊的又陶醉在男欢女爱的幻梦中了.

Rousseau would lie down in the boat and plunge into a deep reverie.───而自己常卧于舟中,陷入深深地遐想.

Antique farmhouse you will be brought back to the original pastoral life of the infinite reverie.───仿古农舍将勾起你对原始田园生活的无限遐想.

Autumn is a season for people to generate infinite reverie.───秋天是一个让人产生无限遐想的季节.

Such as : England reverie, pastoral style, the style, such as South Korea and Japan.───如: 英伦遐想 、 田园风情 、 韩日风格等.

Helen sighed as her reverie fled, and got up.───海伦的遐思给驱散了,她叹了一口气, 站起身来.

He was so lost in reverie that he did not hear the doorbell ring.───他深深陷入幻想,连门铃声都没听见.


The announcer's voice brought Holden out of his reverie.

I have settled into private reverie.

He was lost in reverie until he suddenly heard someone behind him.

She was snapped out of her reverie by the sound of the door opening.

She fell into a reverie about her childhood.