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时间:2022-10-09 20:03:34 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2765字


Official family


宦族───Official family


His brother Randy Jackson was hoping to make the official family commemoration at Forest Lawn on Friday morning.───他的兄弟兰迪·杰克逊是希望借草坪上周五上午正式在森林家庭纪念活动。

of metropolitan graduate at that time This is an old official family.───的进士居》这是古代的大官人家。

But the official family council (sometimes called "the allegiance commission"), set up by the king a few years ago, has yet to be tested.───但是几年前由国王设立的官方家族委员会(有时被称作“忠诚委员会”)已经通过考验。

But the official family council (sometimes called "the allegiance commission" ), set up by the king a few years ago, has yet to be tested.───但是几年前由国王设立的官方家族委员会(有时被称作“忠诚委员会”)已经通过考验。

Houzhi origin of the official family, who have received formal education, and poems.───侯芝出身儒门仕宦之家,从小受过正统教育,能诗文。

The residence of metropolitan graduate at that time This is an old official family.───《当年的进士居》这是古代的大官人家。


The Official Family was like the phone company.