There is no limit to what can be achieved here because of the fantastic support we command.───由于赢得了极大的支持,我们将无往不胜。
He came from the Sudan without a word of English at his command.───他来自苏丹地区,一句英语都不会。
He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he punctured them.───他所掌握的知识就像百科全书那样丰富.用一个字或一句话, 用几句灵敏机智的对答, 他就洞穿了对方的要害.
The command went forth that all men of a certain age should be killed.───命令发出了,所有到一定年龄的男人都得杀死.
His command of English was lamentable.───他的英语水平糟得很。
The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the United Nations Command in Korea.───决议草案要求解散驻韩国的联合国军.
He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate.───他得到军事指挥部授权,准备反击。
He has a great number of English idioms at his command.───他掌握了大量的英语成语.
英语使用场景 b>