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时间:2022-10-10 00:02:55 作者:星火作文 字数:2581字


Charity Foundation




He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.───他的精力异常充沛。

They are raising a fund in support of this good cause.───他们正在为赞助这一有益的事业而集资.

The British government announced the setting up of a special fund.───英国政府宣布设立一项专项基金。

The fund will make payments of just over £1 billion next year.───该基金明年的支付额刚好过10亿英镑。

He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund.───他计划对保险基金进行重组。

He has a fund of amusing jokes.───他有很多有趣的笑话.

a disaster relief fund───赈灾专款

The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.───该基金大致上由政府借款支持。


The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.

She made a personal donation to the fund.

The writer personally contributed £4 000 to the earthquake fund.

The Fund awards four scholarships every year.

We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.